Vacation in Fisherman Town

La Cruz de Hua­nacas­tle, named after a cross made from the Hua­nacax­tle Tree (Parota), is an­other small fish­ing vil­lage, west of Buce­rias on the way to Punta de Mita. It now sports a brand new, world-class, ma­rina with slips for 400 boats and the re­sult­ing de­vel­op­ment will change this small place pretty quickly. An un­usual num­ber of restau­rants and music venues exist in this small place. La Man­zanilla beach, just north of La Cruz har­bour, has calm wa­ters, a gen­tle slop­ing bot­tom with small surf and great beach­side palapa restau­rants. It’s a very pop­u­lar beach. Restau­rants and even taco stands are shown on the Map.

A fish­er­man town where is La Ma­rina Riv­iera Na­yarit: Quickly be­com­ing a rec­og­nized nau­ti­cal des­ti­na­tion, this yacht ma­rina is Mexico’s largest, with 341 slips for yachts up to 400 feet in length. It’s also home to the an­nual “Nau­ti­cal Ex­trav­a­ganza,” a se­ries of in­ter­na­tional re­gat­tas and deep seas fish­ing tour­na­ments. Ex­pected catch in­cludes sail­fish, mar­lin, tuna, red snap­per and do­rado.

Thanks to Ma­rina Riv­iera Na­yarit also has a yacht club, busi­ness cen­ter, sky bar, restau­rant, seafood mar­ket, spring and one of the ship­yards more equipped for the coun­try which, among other things, houses the largest Pa­cific crane, so the lux­ury yachts make this place give a spe­cial touch to La Cruz.

Best Vacation Rentals in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle